Saturday, 9 June 2012

Thing 5

Thing 5 has come just at the right time, the students at college have just had the presentation of their certificates for the Six Book Challenge, so that's it over for another year!  My next task  is to evaluate it all, so Thing 5 has made me sit back & think about more.  I thought if I blogged about it, it might help me when it comes to putting it all down on paper!

This has been our third year of taking part in the SBC, and once again the figures have improved.  I was however starting to think with just a week to go that it had flopped miserably!  When we first started I more or less had total control over it, all the students would come into the LRC to change their books & I would be on hand to help, & then they would come in the write a blog on the SBC website, plus they would write reviews which I would display in the LRC.  Due to the numbers this was all incredibly time consuming and I realised if i wanted to expand it - which I did, I would have to hand most of it over to the tutors & just oversee it!  This is what I did last year as it grew in size and more groups wanted to take part.  Last year it seemed to work.  This year, although the numbers were well up, it didn't work quite so well.  Why?  Well I feel I didn't have enough input this year, and some of the tutors just let it slide and didn't embed it into the curriculum properly.  Nearly 50 students who were given reading diaries never even started it.  178 students did take part which was great and 128 students actually completed the challenge which I was thrilled about.


Anyway that is the slightly negative side to it all.  The tutors who did take part and encourage their students also got some fabulous work from them.  Above is some of the work by the media students (the plasticine figures) and the reviews are from the ESOL students.  The media students made animations based on one of the six books they had read, the plasticine figures are what they used.  During the presentation I had them on a large TV screen so everyone could see them.  They also produced some snake type games based on the books.  The ESOL students and Life skills students all did some fantastic reviews, with the ESOL students also making a film reflecting their experiences of taking part in the SBC and how it had helped them. 

The presentation was attended by nearly 80 staff and students which is nearly double last years attendance.  The Vice Principal handed out the certificates to those who could attend, and the event once again went really well.

Next year will be different.  The ESOL tutor and I will be delivering some training to staff on how to embed the SBC into the curriculum and how to support their students and produce some really good and interesting work.  I will also provide more support from within the LRC by encouraging groups to come at least once a month for an event supporting the SBC.  Watch this space next year to see if it works!


  1. Sounds like you've done lots of work with the project Carol. Great use of the noticeboards - I knew they would come in handy.

  2. I'd be lost without those boards! They are in use 24/7! Yes the SBC has been a really good project to get the students coming into the LRC and getting the chance to work with the tutors. It's hard work sometimes though!
