Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Thing 19

The one thing I really want to get my head round are the Prezi's and for some reason I'm struggling.  Am I missing something?  I thought they were easier than PowerPoint, but PP seems so much easier.  I know I've had to have quite a bit of time off due to surgery, but it wasn't on my brain!!  I will get the hang of it I'm sure, but I'm so frustrated with myself at the moment.

I want to produce a good Harvard Referencing Prezi, because I want to make it so much more fun for the students.  I couldn't even transfer a slide from PP to work on!  So if anyone has some simple wonderful tips to get me going I would be very appreciative.

Looking back over everything else we've covered, I've certainly learnt a lot.  Some things I haven't been able to use because of the constrictions on works machines, but I've gone home & tried some things & that's been useful. 

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